Without resonances, there cannot be a lifelike sound!
The main goal of conventional technology is the elimination of resonances by heavy
damping and flattening of the frequency curve by powerful crossover filtering. This pays
surprisingly little regard for the sound itself. Unfortunately, no difference is made
between undesirable and desirable resonances.
The basic acoustic principle remains: Without resonances, there cannot be lifelike sound.
Music is played by instruments; hence authentic sound reproduction must also require
instruments featuring harmonious resonances. While conventional loudspeakers produce
illusions, they fail to sound lifelike, since all resonances have been eliminated.
Brodmann loudspeakers are instruments in themselves. Of course they don’t employ
active resonators with instrument-specific sounds, as musical instruments do, but instead
they use passive resonators, creating a neutral sound.
It is only through this coupling that the resonators or absorbers are brought to vibration
(after Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, inventor of the “Helmholtz Resonator”).
The Sound
The differences between the modells
Brodmann loudspeakers not only sound „near the original“, they sound „one to one, true to life“. Each Brodmann loudspeaker model, from the smallest to the largest, gives a reproduction in a „one to one“quality.
The difference between the models shows the parallel heights of the contradictory temperament from sound spaces, just like tenderness and at the same time an explosively dynamic. Each instrument reproduces in their own characteristic sound and simultaneously all instruments melt together.
This makes a real sound.